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This picture, very similar to the picture on the last postcard on the advertisements page, pretty much gives you a good idea of exactly how huge this place is. Also, notice that the lower half of the picture is green, so the staff bungalows and the tennis center were not yet built. I estimate that this photo was taken in the 70s, because of it's resemblance to the rather dated postcards.

One question -- this is the main building?! I would have loved to have seen the hotel like this! Right now, you're looking at the rooms that later became the staff rooms. I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would have stayed in those rooms, because they were tiny and crummy even when I went there! I can't imagine what they were like in the 50s or 60s when this place was in it's "peak."

Two people enjoy themselves in the ice skating rink.

Ah, more love, at The Pines, right by the Indoor Pool.

A fantastic shot showing the size of the Persian Room. With a capacity of almost 1500 people, even to this day it would remain an excellent place to throw any kind of event. Of course, it would be difficult since there is no electricity and the ceiling is caving in, but hey, you know, if you can somehow market to a crowd that doesn't mind collapsing roofs, it's all cool.

A photo of the heart-shaped tubs found in two rooms in the Savoy building. When I first showed my dad this picture, he made a "Pfff" sound and then said "Yeah right, where is that from?" The regular bathrooms were put to shame by this one. I have actually seen the tub myself though, and what's interesting is that going along with the hotel's theme of carpeting everywhere, there is carpeting around the tub, and surprisingly, around the light fixture on the ceiling. Quite strange, in my opinion.

This is one of the two 'honeymoon' suites, that also contains the heart shaped tub and an individual kitchen (not pictured). The room is actually rather expanse compared to some of the other rooms. I can only wonder how one arranged to obtain this room or how much people paid for it.

This is an excellent shot of the whole building (less the ice skating rink, Savoy building, and camp house, which were obviously built after this photo was taken). I find this to be particularly interesting because, as you can see, the roofs on all of the buildings are completely flat, which is inconsistent with the appearance of the roofs today, which have a more "victorian" feel, especially the five buildings on the right side of the photo.

Today the fountain merely collects water rather than decorate with it. Actually, the fountain is pretty messed up today, which is amazing, seeing as how it's made of stone. I would have always guessed that stone was pretty resilient, but it wouldn't seem so in the case of the fountain.

A guest enjoys a game of baseball on the field that was next to the ice skating rink.

An old guy reaches for that game-clinching shot on the outdoor tennis courts.

2 people are making out and another two are about to, right in/on the indoor pool. You know, once again, it really seems to me like these people are alot younger than alot of the old guests were. False advertising or wishful thinking? You decide. :)

Two people on the arch over the indoor pool. No one was ever allowed on the arch under any circumstances, and people tell me that even in the older days of the hotel people weren't allowed to either. That's a pretty complex decoration, though, so why go through the trouble of the building it if people can't enjoy it?

A couple goes for a jog around the expanse perimeter of the hotel's property. UPDATE, Jan 01 2006, The couple is Norman Elmont (Maitre'D of the Persian Room) and Charlotte (ran gift and cosmetics shop in upper lobby). They met at the Pines and married a few years later.

Yes, tennis, sport of lovers. Ah, how The Pines could seem to bring so many people together.

Here we see the access road behind the outdoor pool's little shack. A visitor to the site informed me that the pool house was used as a home for the pool boys and as a cabana during summer months. I was only in the outdoor pool once and I really don't remember ever going to that part of the building. Today, this building remains locked. Anyone with pictures is encouraged to get in touch with me.

Here we see a woman sunbathing by the outdoor pool.

This photo was taken close to the outdoor pool and the Dorchestor building in the little outdoor card playing area.

A view from inside a room in the Dorchester building, only backwards (figure it out). Hey, does this look like a Savoy room to anyone else?

This photo, and the next, were taken in the main lobby. It *appears* that these were taken after the renovation, judging by the lightness of the chairs in the picture on the right. The chairs also used to share the bizarre purple-mauve color that most of the rest of the hotel was covered with.

This photo, and the next, were taken in the main lobby. It *appears* that these were taken after the renovation, judging by the lightness of the chairs in the picture on the right. The chairs also used to share the bizarre purple-mauve color that most of the rest of the hotel was covered with.

Although I didn't notice it when I first looked at these pictures, it appears that the women in this picture are the same women in the previous picture. Take a careful look at the pictures and decide for yourself.

This picture was taken directly outside the entrance to the building. I never stayed in the Dorchester, Marlboro, Carlton, or Sheraton buildings, and I always found their exterior design to be very intriguing. To this day, I have not been in the Dorchestor, Marlboro, or Sheraton buildings, although I looked around inside the Carlton building and found what appeared to be a homeless person's dwelling, which influenced me to leave the area. On my next visit I'm going to check out the other three buildings, hopefully I'll find something cool!

A very telling picture. This person is guilty of illegal parking! You can see the Savoy building's reflection in the rear window, and as anyone as crazy as me knows, there is absolutely NO parking permitted on the little access road that runs through the inside of the hotel property. Shame on you for your negligent parking job!

The concrete arch against a strangely cloudy sky. Could we call this foreshadowing? Yes. But it would require a very loose interpretation of weather and the pathetic fallacy.

A nice picture taken from the back of the pool house.

Some older folks playing some shuffleboard, one of the very popular activities at The Pines.

The same woman pictured earlier decides that she's had enough sun and leaves.

The same woman pictured earlier, apparently expressing some kind of dismay. We can only wonder why.

A common sight at The Pines, lots of old people congregating. What newbies to the hotel may not realize is that this was taken in the main lobby, which now is an even uglier sea-green color. Personally I felt that the above pictured "mauvey-purple" color was more distinctive. Actually, it's how the place stood out in my mind until I saw it recently. This photo was found on the internet, so I'm sorry if I stole it from you I forgot where I obtained it.

The golf course remains open today, situated right inside the hotel's lot. Must be kind of eerie to golf next to a such a massive abandoned building.

The indoor tennis center, seen here, also doubled as a convention center with an even larger capacity than the other convention center next to the Persian Room. The Pines, as well as other hotels struggling for business, decided to try and boost their business by attracting conventions. As you can guess, it didn't really work that well in the long term.

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

A strange postcard sold in the hotel depicting The Pines Estates located across the street from the 'back' entrance to the hotel. The Pines Estates, I believe, are individually owned properties, so why they are pictured here, I don't know. Otherwise, I like this postcard.

First, I apologize for the quality of this photo, the picture was very dithered from the four-color printing process on the postcard. This picture was another postcard promoting the brand new, air conditioned, deluxe accommodations in the Dorchester building. Why does everyone seem to be so interested in this building? Hopefully I'll find when I visit again.

This shot was taken by the ice rink. The ice rink was always fun and one time my father gave Tiny and Casey, the ice rink and ski lift operators, a few bucks to let us use the rink by ourselves. We got to play hockey while the rink was closed, just me my dad and my brother. It was alot of fun. :)

The indoor pool is one of my favorite spots. I also like this PAINTING (YES, PAINTING) because of the way it depicts people having fun (i.e., getting hit on and having a cigarette). Notice that for some reason the buildings in the background (Marlboro and Carlton) look totally different then they do now. It makes me wonder when the buildings were renovated.

A shot of the outdoor pool on an obviously *extremely* busy day. Hey, why is everyone in this picture young and thin? Not to say that most of the guests were old, or out of shape, but... Ok, most of the guests were old and obviously out of shape, which kind of makes this photo of hard-bodied people in their early twenties kind of ridiculous. The Pines did used to have "singles weekends", and this photo was probably taken during one such weekend.

Another very interesting shot of the building that was obviously taken before the main lobby area was added. I cannot imagine how the hotel was laid out (registration, dining, etc.) or how people got from the indoor pool area to the main building. An open question to anyone viewing this website that may know the answer -- what was the building set up like? Let me know and get a warm thank you and the feeling that you did something good by helping someone else.

This picture is just wacky. I still don't understand how the hotel was set up many years ago, and this picture just confuses me even more each time I look at it. If you understand this picture, please contact me using the link on the left and mention picture "archv_postcard_unk".

This is the famous Wedgewood room, right next to the Persian room (the huge stage area). I was only in here once or twice because I was so young and I really had no reason to go to a bar. From what I hear though this was a really fun place to be. Just think about all the smiling faces that once filled those chairs.

A family of skiers, ready to hit the slopes for the day. Notice that they did not rent their skis from the chalet, but rather brought their own. Quite honestly, why you would be a frequent skier and go to The Pines for skiing is beyond me. Really, it was a learners hill. I used to have fun, because I was a little kid. Otherwise, if you've already been experienced, you'd get bored with the terrain pretty quickly. I don't like to bad mouth the place, but like I said, it was perfect for only one thing -- families with kids.

A hot dog showing off his ability to seemingly conquer gravity. This photo is rather misleading. If you look in photos from the current Ski Area page that we have set up, you'll notice that the 'expert' hill is no more than 800 feet in length, if even that. The Pines only had a vertical drop of about 160 feet, which is actually extrememly small. So, to depict a guy seeming to have a lot of speed it just a fantasy.

A matchbook from the hotel. This is one of the things I would like to find somewhere in the building, because I am a smoker, and I think it would just make each drag off a cigarette more fulfilling if it was lit with a Pines matchbook.

A penant from the hotel. One of the many souveniers stocked at the gift shops that were located throughout the hotel.

Submitted by M. Wolk, teens enjoy lollipops during what must by the early 1980s in what looks like the sandwich shop area by the Persian Room at the Pines Hotel.
Last updated July 25 2019 10:54:11 AM
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