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| This is a detailed floor map of floors 1 and 2 in the Hampshire building. I have included this as a sample for the maps that I do have, which pretty much is for everything except the outlying four buildings (Marlboro, Sheraton, Dorchestor, and Carlton). I will try and make hand drawn maps of those buildings myself when I get a chance. If you want detailed floor maps of any of the other buildings, for the time being, please email me through the contact page, in the navigation bar on the left. I am \"screening\" who gets these for the time being because they contain alot of information about the building, and in the effort of preserving as much of the hotel\'s history as possible, I would like to take pictures of the suites myself, rather than disclose all the locations of the various \"unique\" rooms and allow people to go in and trash them. Not saying that every visitor to this site will trash the place, it\'s just a precautionary measure. | | 
| An excellent map of the building, except for one major error that is a result of the age of the map. Can you tell what that mistake is? :) (There are a few!) | | 
| Again showing the sheer amount of land taken up by the hotel (and the tennis center and bungalows across the street). This photo would actually be pretty useful for exploring the place, but unfortunately Terraserver only provides 1 pixel / meter resolution for its photos. Imagine though, if it was 1 pixel / 10 cm... *drools* | | 
| Although not the best map that I\'ve found, this one should do until I get my archives synched up with my website. There are lots of different available maps and some of them depict things quite differently, including different names for certain areas and different room numbers on some older maps. The best map I\'ve found so far is a hand drawn map that was probably made in the early 70s. It shows which room numbers are on every floor and details the placement of the surrounding area (camp house, ice rink, etc). That will be the next map that I will scan and put up. The map that was \"officially\" distributed by the hotel is very ugly and looks like it was made with a ruler and a typewriter, so I\'m not in a big rush to find it. | | 
| I'm including this in case I don't find the above mentioned map soon. With this accurate listing of rooms, you can do pretty much whatever your heart desires. Find a room that you used to stay in, or check out the suites that you probably never stayed in. On a side note, until I saw this map, I didn't think that any suites existed in the hotel. Boy was I wrong. That's all I'll say. | | |