
| This is a detailed floor map of floors 1 and 2 in the Hampshire building. I have included this as a sample for the maps that I do have, which pretty much is for everything except the outlying four buildings (Marlboro, Sheraton, Dorchestor, and Carlton). I will try and make hand drawn maps of those buildings myself when I get a chance. If you want detailed floor maps of any of the other buildings, for the time being, please email me through the contact page, in the navigation bar on the left. I am "screening" who gets these for the time being because they contain alot of information about the building, and in the effort of preserving as much of the hotel's history as possible, I would like to take pictures of the suites myself, rather than disclose all the locations of the various "unique" rooms and allow people to go in and trash them. Not saying that every visitor to this site will trash the place, it's just a precautionary measure. [ Index ] [ Next ] |