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This picture and the next are of the Heiden Hotel, which was featured in the movie Sweet Lorraine. The movie shared many similarities with the actual history of the hotel, if I understand correctly. It's basically the story of the hotel's decline, and the owner is forced to decide whether to hold on to the long time family business so that her granddaughter can take it over, or to sell to land developers. It's a pretty interesting movie and if you like this site, then you would probably appreciate the movie. Freddy Roman is in it, as a matter of fact, and his character will throw you back to the times when these hotels were open and the entertainers walked around and, well, entertained. You can click that link above to buy it on, it's only $7.99 + s/h, but it's worth it since you probably won't be able to find it at your local Blockbuster if you're interested in seeing it.
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Last updated July 25 2019 10:54:11 AM
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Related Pages: Wing Burger Brand Foods | Science, Technology, and Society blog | The Pines Hotel, which is now abandoned, in South Fallsburg, NY | The Pines Hotel / discussion forum | StopAndGo -- featuring the Weird Signs Gallery