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I always thought that this was a particularly weird piece of graffiti. For those that are uneducated in the way of de facto ethnic segregation, this area is now dominated by orthodox jews and blacks. This graffiti is actually more of an elegy than a shoutout. Supposedly it says something about an end of something? Translations that I've received have varied. The best translation (and explanation) that I've recieved goes like this:

"In your segment on the town, there is a picture which shows hebrew lettering on a wall. This wall is on Route 42 between Kiamesha Lake and Monticello. It represents a tribute to a very well known Rabbi who lived many many years ago in a town in Russia. Millions of Chasidim travel to his grave each year because they believe that if they pray at his grave, they will be rewarded with good health, long life, and prosperity. His name was Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (a city in the Soviet Union). Superstition says that tributes to him begin with abbreviations of his name and that is what is printed on the wall. It is 'Nach Nachma Nachman May-Uman'. The last word 'May-Uman' means 'from Uman' and it is where he is buried."
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Last updated July 25 2019 10:54:11 AM
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