iPhone Fever Ferments iTunes Feelings
Came home a moment ago. Been thinking about all the hype about iPhones I’ve heard this week. Loaded up Firefox, checked my email. There was some laundry in queue after the email, but for some reason I interrupted that to put on music. Remembering that the Internet radio broadcast protest happened earlier this week, I thought of Pandora Radio since it had been the focus of a number of news stories as it was one of the more popular internet radio stations that went silent in protest of the pricey internet radio royalty set to come into effect soon.
Pandora asked me for the name of an artist I liked. Jedi Mind Tricks
was the first that came to mind. First, it tries to show you something you might be looking for by that artist; the song it showed me was Suicide. I’d definitely give that song two thumbs up, but Pandora only let me give it “one thumb upâ€. The next song was Seasons by CunninLynguists
, which I really didn’t like one way or the other, even though I like CunninLynguists (I actually even rapped to one of their beats live on a hip-hop show on WRPI, Troy in 2006). The next song proved to be far better. That song was Ghetto Pop Life
by Danger Mouse
and Jemini.
Tags: Business · Complaint Department · Computers · My Thoughts · Technology
I saw Michael Moore’s Sicko the other night and it was decent and made some great points, I’d give it 7/10 stars, but with the way high schools are today, 70% is a 3.8 GPA. Maybe a Michael Moore film should be made about No Child Left Behind. It would be a crown jewel in the anti-GWB legacy that could be Farenheit 9/11, Sicko, and NCLB: Wutz Done Wrong Wit Them Skoolz. Well it’s not the greatest title but they can work on that. Regardless.
The movie being fresh in my mind made me impulsively read a review I found on Reddit. Then I couldn’t help but notice I was seeing television star Bill Maher being confused with the Bill Maher from Sicko in a Microsoft Live advertisement. Made me giggle. See below. It will be interesting to see how the Treasury department prosecutes the case, if at all.

Tags: Computers · George W Bush · Government & Politics · Police, Law, & Justice · Skippy Stuff · Technology
Childhood Cash Convention in the Cafeteria
My credit management strategy is crazy to some. I’ve heard more than one person tell me I was making things hard on myself. However, if I didn’t perceive value in my method of financial management, I wouldn’t do it, nor would I recommend it to others – and when you get a great deal, you want to share it with others. Decide for yourself after considering the pitch below, keeping in mind that this site is not affiliated with any of the banks or creditors mentioned here. [Read more →]
Tags: Business · My Thoughts · Skippy Stuff
April 21st, 2007 · 1 Comment
What is The Palisades Center Mall?
The Palisades Center Mall is the archetypal mega-mall. With an ice rink, IMAX theatre, at least three Starbucks, and scores of retail stores, the Palisades Mall has it all. Judging by the Spartan industrial warehouse aesthetic, featuring exposed steel beams and wiring conduits, one might think it would cost a fortune to do business there. But those with entrepreneurial spirit need not have a lot of money, or corporate pizzazz, or customer service skill to do business at the mall – the Palisades Mall also has a flourishing kiosk rental sector. [Read more →]
Tags: Business · Complaint Department · Scary Stuff
In the early days of Facebook, including an apostrophe or quote in a search string would cause a SQL error. This exposed Facebook to a SQL injection vulnerability, a common hack for dynamic websites driven by SQL databases, usually coded in PHP, frequently the result of a single developer coding the system from the ground up, as Facebook was.
Tags: Computers · pwn3d! (Hacks and Tricks) · Skippy Stuff · Technology